About the Breed

The Braque Francais is a rare and unique breed in North America.  They are a versatile hunting breed, which means they can retrieve, flush, and even trail game.  What sets them apart from many other breeds is their size, temperament, and function.

Braques are a mid-sized dog, so they fit better in the truck or house than some of the larger pointing breeds.  Female’s weight ranges from approximately 37-45lbs, while a male’s weight will range from 45-55lbs.  Females stand about 18″-22″tall at the shoulder, and males stand around 20″-24″ tall at the shoulder.  Regardless of their medium size, they are still built for work. Braques are mistaken as German Short-haired Pointers all the time. They have been described as a smaller version of the GSPs that are just as good as or better in the field and really calm in the house, unlike GSPs.

Being of French origin they have a much calmer temperament than most pointer breeds.  This is what makes them an excellent pet as well as hunting dog.  They are very eager to please and do not need a heavy hand in training or in discipline.  In the home they are calm, lazy, and a joy to have as pet, but in the field, however, they are energetic and determined hunters.  With a no quit attitude and lots of energy, speed, and determination, they are ready for all the hunting you could possibly give them.  But it is their strong desire to please that creates a dog that is a joy to hunt with. 

The Braque is a high performance hunting dog that can be characterized as:

  • A strong dynamic worker – They are fast, generally close-working dogs that can keep up a good pace all day long. They are quick to learn and can even be taught to shed hunt and track blood trails.
  • Solid pointer – While a point comes naturally to this breed, many Braque pups develop a solid point quite early.
  • Natural retriever – They are born retrievers that almost never have issues of hard mouth.  They happily bring birds to hand for some praise and adoration. They are not typically known for their water work, nevertheless, the Braque Francais takes to water like a fish to a pond.

So, whether you have a house full of kids and you need your bird dog to be calm among the house, or are an empty nester who want their hunting dog to relax and be your personable companion, the Braque Francais is the dog for you.

Click here and here for some great articles with more information about this awesome breed.